2022-1225 Baptism Testimony — Yoosun Lim

Hello, my name is Yoosun Lim and I belong to the English-speaking Congregation Kazakhstan House Church.
I am more than happy and grateful to be baptized on the day of the Christmas Joint Service.
In the spring of 2017, I came to Toronto to study and met Sharon, an acquaintance of mine, through the introduction of a senior from graduate school.
From the first worship service, I was very moved by the pastor’s sermon that was perfect for my situation. The atmosphere of the church was very warm and comfortable, so I fell in love with the Mokmin faith community. I was led to Vietnam House Church and belonged to it.
I came to know the concept that God works through people while attending Mokmin Church. Looking back, I realized that God has constantly kept good people with good faith close to me. When I came to Toronto, I had no connections. But I was deeply moved by God’s love and grace that transcends human limitation when I witnessed my shepherd and shepherd’s wife who demonstrated God’s love and led a mature life of faith, in both the former Vietnam House Church and the current Kazakhstan House Church. The faith that I had not developed, no matter how hard I tried for a long time naturally settled in my heart. I relied on and was grateful for the verse, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
In the past few years, as prayers that I wanted to do but did not come out became possible, a relationship with God was created. During Thanksgiving last year, I received a long-awaited PR card, and this year, through the 10 Days early morning prayer, I unexpectedly changed my job, and my prayers were answered. I have learned to be happy and to be grateful as I shared prayer requests and answered prayers with the House Church family. I used to worry too much every time I was in trouble and suffered, but gradually I began to ask God questions in prayer, wait, and find peace.
Around the age of 10, since my parents forbade me to go to the local church, I forgot how sad I was at that time. But living with a cold heart only by worldly standards for more than 25 years, it was difficult for me to recover my pure faith again. When I think of how difficult it was, I realize that there is a big change in my life after receiving baptism and starting my life of faith, and I feel deeply grateful.
And through various steps in my faith community such as worship services, House Church meetings, Gospel Presentation session, 10 Days Early Morning Prayer, and the Path of Happiness Life bible study, I confessed my many sins, deeply experienced God’s grace and love, and experienced the gradual healing of my soul. So, I come to the baptism ceremony with a grateful heart.
Even if you choose to live a life of faith, it is not possible to imitate faith, so I am most grateful for the faith God gave me as a gift. I would like to thank those who have prayed for and served me so far for the salvation of my soul.
I also have a vision that I will have to live a life of praying for VIPs in the future as well.
I want to embark my journey of faith while obeying this verse, “Do not be afraid, for I am with you; do not be frightened, for I am your God (Isaiah 41:10-13)”, with joy, hope, and patience that wasn’t there before. Thank you for celebrating the new birth of my soul with me.
Lastly, I would like to thank the Mokmin community, the pastors, the House Church family, and the shepherd and shepherd’s wife who served me.