Baptism Testimony - Stanley Kim

Like the most of you i wasn’t born in a christian family, and growing up i thought what was out there was everything to this world, nothing else. And when i first heard about christianity, and going to church, i was against it. To me, i thought we were going to church cause every other korean went. And the service was on sunday, and that was already heartbreaking for 10 year old stanley. I thought that I didn’t need god in my life and I was good on my own. Still going to church I learned all the things god has done and the messages from the bible. And the messages never really came to me.
I truly met God through my beginning phase of my pre-teen, because during the time i was so emotionally unstable. I knew i needed help but i didn’t know who i could/should ask for help. That’s when I went to one of Seed’s youth winter retreat. And finally realised through the message pastor Caleb had for us and realized the love that God has for me and how he was there for me the whole time, and it was myself that didn’t realize all of that. None of this wouldn’t’ve happened if our church was so welcoming and loving. And my youth house church members for showing me the love of jesus christ and to love and care for others. The verse that helped me realize that I wanted to be one of God’s children was,
(Revelation 3:20 “See! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.)
It helped me understand the gospel better cause I could relate to it and just understood how much that verse meant. And it was me that was denying God’s love not acknowledging his presence not the other way around.
After making the decision, I understood what it meant to be children of god and what we have to do at our end of the deal. I knew how loving he was but through the GPA, I also learnt that he’s the mighty god, and he would do things the way we don’t see it. And at the right time. I also realized once again how great he is and loving he is.
I just finally want to thank God, how much i’ve grown through him and for being there when I didn’t realise his love.
And thank you for listening to my testimony!