Confirmation Testimony - Angela Kang

Hey guys! Most of you guys probably know me since I was in JK, from Sunday School. Back then, I would have never imagined myself standing here talking in front of you guys. However, here I am today, telling you guys about how I met God and the blessings He has given to me.
Before I met God, I was still aware of Him from time to time as I grew up in a Christian family. However, my life was significantly different from right now. Although, I attended church, home gathering and mokjang, I didn’t attend them consistently and I put more value into extracurriculars. That was because my attention was not towards God, as I had doubts if he was real or not. I was unproductive because I spent most of my time on my phone which limited my time spent with my family, friends and other daily necessities. I was constantly stressed because I pushed everything to do later and there were many problems that I thought I had no control over. For instance, when there was a big decision to make, or if there were project or tests, I became extremely stressed. Of course, I received endless support from my parents but the stress and worries didn’t leave me 100%.
However, in the beginning of the school year, my house church leader, Sarah, introduced me to GPS. Similar to other church events, I put more priority into my extracurriculars over attending GPS. Therefore, I completed GPS at the end of the year, which opened more doors for to meet God. I gained a different perspective and approach to God. Instead of completely blocking God out of my life, I decided to open my heart towards God so I can experience Him. That’s when I started reading the bible, as I thought it was a great way to learn more about God and Jesus. Following GPS, came the winter retreat, where I finally experienced God. On the second last day, during the praying session, I prayed that I open my heart and to let me experience God so that I can fully believe. There was a verse mentioned in GPS, and it was from (Revelation 3:20 CSB) See! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.” That verse led me to pray that I open my heart towards God, which helped me get closer to God. Following that prayer, I went up to receive prayer from pastor Caleb and while he prayed, he mentioned all the things that I prayed about. His prayer gave me the ultimate experience that God was real and that he was always listening to my prayers.
Following the retreat, I gained motivation and started changing my lifestyle to make God my priority. I started reading the bible in the morning and before I began to do my homework and I started praying more often. Especially, I prayed before I made any decisions because I believed that God will give the best for me. In fact, He did give the best to me. He gave me a calm heart, and whatever I was upset, mad, worried, stressed or scared about went away. Praying became easier because I knew God was listening to me, so it was more of a conversation, rather than a forceful habit. Just by making those two things a routine, I received answers and my life became less stressful and I felt more at ease and productive, as it was evident God was listening to my prayers. I wanted to know more about God and I wanted to experience Him more. Therefore, I put my priority in church events. I would excuse from my extracurriculars to attend church, home gathering or mokjang and I started taking notes of the sermon so I can remember throughout the week. Overall, I stopped swearing and gained a better relationship with my parents. It is great now because I can ask my parents about the bible if I don’t understand something and we develop great conversations through that.
After all, my life after meeting God has drastically changed in such an amazing way. I became closer with many of my friends and I am not living under the control of stress or anything that brought me down before. I feel protection from all evil spirits and I feel as though I know I am not alone and that I have support because I know that God and Jesus are always with me. I hope that the next time you guys are stressed, just pray and leave it to God, because he will do great things for you. Lastly, I would like to thank my house church members for supporting me. And, Sarah, for listening, praying and giving me many opportunities to meet God. And, pastor Caleb for praying for me and for providing me with guidance.