Confirmation Testimony - Byoungwhee Sohn

Before ever going to GPS I was always attending church to praise and worship and hear the message of God, and how I would always take that message and just not really reflect it on myself to much at all, cause i would never be able to use that to push myself to becoming a better christian. I really thought about how i could try harder in becoming a faithful believer in christ and how i can take that and be more with the holy spirit, so the GPS came around and i took the chance to be saved by God.
I wanted to go to the GPS and my youth sheperd Joy, she encouraged my decision to go and so i went and i got to experience the love and presence of jesus and the holy spirit and how i can relate a bit more to the sermons and how it can really affect me in my daily life. After the GPS, God made me feel very open to what others would see of him and how he has a plan for everyone, and that it changed my way of thinking about my future and how i can be prepared for the next phases in my life.
Before i feared God but now after GPS i came to realize that God is love and how i began to now love him also. When i was afraid of him i was scared of the things i do wrong like not helping my parents or never listening to my siblings, or even swearing i get the sense of what my relationship is with my parents and siblings and also him. But now after the GPS this has helped me in my relationships with the people around me. Now the holy spirit is with me and that God will guide me through every step in my life for my relationships with people and with him, I highly suggest you to go to GPS.