Confirmation Testimony - Emily Eun

Hi guys, after 16 years of attending church, I finally decided to get confirmed. I have to be honest; it was not easy making this decision. But of course, this decision was not made on my own, but with God. I felt that the time had come for me to speak out on my own that I accept Jesus Christ as my saviour and Lord.
So I was born into a Christian family, and I got infant-baptized. I followed my parents to church every Sunday. While living in Korea for nine years, I attended a church where they had an EM side for young teens. I got to know more about God through QT (quiet time), and bible study groups. However, I still lacked knowledge about who God is and about the bible. Back then, I didn’t know what confirmation was, or even that the word existed. However, after growing up and gaining more knowledge about the bible, I realized there is more than just attending church every Sunday.
After moving back to Canada, I came here to Mokmin Church and joined EXIT. Then, I heard about Receiving Jesus Meeting. Whenever I heard the announcement that there will be a meeting, I always struggled deciding if I should go or not because I wasn’t sure if I was ready to take this big step. Whenever I saw others getting confirmed, the question that always stood out to me was “If you were to die today, are you sure you will go to heaven?” I was always doubtful if God was happy with me because of any sinful habits or actions I might have done.
However, one Sunday there was an announcement about Receiving Jesus Meeting, and I felt the urge to go. I don’t know why, but I felt that if I don’t attend, I never will. I was also quite nervous because I wasn’t sure what I was stepping into and what will be required of me during the meeting. For example, will I have to take a test or answer some tough questions about the bible from Caleb. However, the meeting wasn’t like that at all. We read bible verses and Caleb talked about being saved and the five things that we need to do to grow after being saved which are; study the bible, pray, attend worship, have fellowship, and evangelize. Near the end of the meeting, my mind was full of worries, especially if I was really ready or not to accept Jesus as my saviour and get confirmed. However, I felt God’s presence during the meeting, assuring me that I was ready to accept Jesus as my saviour. So I made this confession at the end of the meeting.
Before attending the meeting, whenever I was worried about school and other things, I didn’t look to God for help, but I tried to solve the problems on my own. I was stressed about attending art academy and preparing my portfolio for university, and about getting good marks in school. Looking back now, I regret so much not praying to God and solving the problems with his help because I know that he was there waiting for me to bring him into my life so that I can share with him all my worries and anxieties. However, after attending the meeting, without a slight doubt, I now turn to God and ask for His help for not only the big struggles in my life but also the smaller struggles as well, such as whenever I have to walk downstairs alone when it’s dark to get something late at night. Now I feel more protected knowing that I am a child of God, and it feels like I am in God’s hands wherever I go. These days whenever I pray, I pray longer and more deeply than just thanking God for my meals or asking him for better marks. I find that I am not able to pray short. If I say “Thank you for my meal” and I try to end the prayer, it is hard for me to finish. I feel that the Receiving Jesus Meeting and the deepened relationship between God and me caused this change.
Although I have accepted Jesus Christ as my saviour, there still is a lot more space for me to grow in my faith and get closer with God. I don’t think that just because I got confirmed now, I’m a good Christian and all I have to do is come to church every Sunday. I feel that it instead is a challenge for me to keep this close relationship with God, and depend on the Holy Spirit to help me become more like Jesus Christ. Now I know the answer to the question “If you were to die today, are you sure you will go to heaven?” My answer is yes.