Growing Life (2) Testimony - Sarah Cho

Hi everyone! I just finished a one-on-one life study called growing life bible study with Jessica and Pastor Caleb. It was recommended that this bible study is taken right after you finish living life, so that is what I did. After living life (which was amazing on its own), I definitely felt that God was more of a priority to me than before, however, I still struggled in my faith. I personally found it yet to be difficult to centre my entire life around God. Things like daily quiet time and prayer seemed to hard to keep it “daily” and became a “hit or miss” kind of situation. Daily QT and prayer was something I always struggled with, so casually I reminded myself that one day I will do these on a regular basis.
Growing life is what changed that one day. Every week, God had something to say to me through Pastor Caleb, and these “somethings” filled any doubts, worries, struggles, and questions about my relationship with God. During the bible study, I felt an immense amount of God’s presence and each lesson brought awe to me of how much of a loving and caring Father I have. I learned the importance of building a strong relationship with God, and how that can affect my life and others around me. I came to realize that I can do all things through God and further developed my confidence to reach out to my VIP friends. Through growing life, I was able to build a daily QT and prayer lifestyle without it being a “hit or miss” kind of thing and it changed my days little by little. This bible study was open to questions and discussions which lead me to get to know Caleb, Jessica, myself, and God better on a deeper level.
Growing life came to an end, but one thing I know is that I will never stop growing in faith by prioritizing my relationship with God. I am now able to communicate with God everyday through prayer and bible reading, and slowly I’m learning to listen to His voice and live by his Scripture. My Scripture memory improved greatly and I now keep the verses close at heart, knowing how much power they have. Spending these 7 weeks learning about God were great, and now it’s my choices that determine what happens next. My choice to pray, my choice to listen, and my choice to read His word. Growing life has changed my life greatly and I give all the glory to God. I would like to thank Pastor Caleb for being so faithful and God-centred in his teaching, and also for being so patient with these two energetic and talkative teenage girls.
God has so much in plan for all of you, and you can receive His blessings by opening your heart to these life series. God will always give more than you expect and overflow your cup. Thank you for listening!