Growing Life Testimony - Anthony
Growing life is a one-on-one life study with your Shepherd. The study revolved around sharing about our experiences and lives. I can honestly say that it was the most different life study experience I’ve ever had.
For one – it didn’t even feel like a bible study; it felt like I was meeting a mentor every week. We shared in meals every single week so I was wondering who appropriately named this growing life. Even without the content of the study – I learned a lot just by example, watching how Caleb conducts himself. It was so relational or if I may use a millennial word – “chill.”
And during the sharing it was very easy to open up and be vulnerable. Because Caleb is my shepherd, and he already knows what I’m going through, and knows who I am. There is such a level of trust that goes beyond teacher that allowed me to share about very personal and sensitive things and through it I was able to find good advice and counsel. And I appreciated how the life study really sets up an atmosphere for asking questions, which I took advantage of and asked lots of.
What I really enjoyed about the study was how practical it is. It’s really all about QT and the framework on how to build a relationship with God. And it’s powerfully accurate and focused. It short enough that I actually remember everything!
This study impacted my life in two ways. First my QT life gradually got better. What I mean by better is that it became more of a priority and I had more enjoyment and fulfillment out of doing it. It’s really time with God, and QT feels so real, more than praying super loud or crying, quiet time spent with God is actually where I’ve felt the most power and movement of the spirit. And I’ve had many experiences of God really speaking into my situations and giving me power words. Secondly my bible memory improved substantially – because this was the first bible study I actually took the bible memory to heart. (All the other ones I wasn’t as committed to the memory). I know this is sounds strange but it’s very fulfilling to recite the verse you need at the time you need it. Also it makes you look smarter and cooler.
Overall I highly recommend this life series to everyone. Not because Caleb paid me, although that’d be nice, but because every single life series bible study I take Christianity becomes more real, more practical, more enjoyable and makes a lot more sense. Sometimes it’s not enough to just listen to sermons – trust me, pastors kid, I listened to sermons AT home AND at church for my whole life. I’m already excited for the next one – and I know each one is step closer to a more fulfilling Christian life.