Growing Point Testimony - Angela Kang

Hello everyone,
My name is Angela Kang and today I will be sharing how God has worked in me through the bible study session, Growing Point. For 7 weeks, Sarah, my youth shepherd, helped me to complete Growing Point, a bible study session that is based on a Student Survival Kit. During the 7 weeks, QT and scripture reading was part of my daily routine. Although it was challenging to wake up early in the morning every day to do QT, I later realized that it gave me a way to communicate with God and gave me a sense that he was always with me, knowing everything that was going on in my life.
Frankly, during the duration of the bible study, through misunderstandings and miscommunications, I had an ongoing conflict with a friend. My friend believed I did something that I never did and began to talk behind my back and spread untruthful and hurtful words. At that point, I was hurt, scared and anxious to do anything because I believed that everyone would believe her words and stop being my friend. Luckily, I was meeting Sarah for Growing Point that week, and I got to share my problems with her. After I shared and after Sarah prayed for me, I realized that I had such a strong, loyal and compassionate support system from our church members and I was so thankful. That was the first out of the abounding things Growing Point had taught me.
However, the problem continued and aggravated and I knew I had to do something to solve this problem but I did not know what to do. However, as the days passed by completing Growing Point homework and QT, I slowly gained the courage from scripture reading and soon, I decided with the help of many others, that I would set a date to confront her about it and ask her what was wrong. Although I made the decision, I was nervous and anxious because from previous experience, I imagined she would yell and blame everything on me. Even the night before I decided to talk to her, I couldn’t sleep and I was nervous.
Thankfully, that morning, while my mother was doing her own QT, she came across a verse and she shared it with me. The verse was: Isaiah 41:10-13 – So do no fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish. Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them. Those who wage war against you will be nothing at all. For I am your Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.
If it weren’t for Growing Point I would have not learned the importance of this verse and I would have ignored it. Nevertheless, I started reading this verse over and over again. Soon I began to feel safe somewhere in my heart and I felt protected from everything. I finally gained the courage to talk to my friend about it that day. Surprisingly, it went well and we were back to normal. An immature conflict that seemed impossible to cure, became possible through God. He spoke to me through others and most importantly through scriptures. I am indescribably thankful to have taken Growing Point as I have learned the importance of QT, and bible study. It has become a way of communicating with God that I very much needed. I hope that I can carry on a good habit of doing QT every morning and reaching out to the bible whenever I have trouble because the bible is a letter full of love sent from God. Lastly, I would like to thank Sarah, who spent the 7 weeks with me completing Growing Point, by giving me helpful advice and who bought me delicious desserts and chicken wings. Thank you for giving me your attention to share my Growing Point testimony.