150. TFE Starting Soon

As announced before, Anthony Cho will begin his TFE (Theological Field Education), starting from next Sunday and ending on the next year April. TFE is an internship program of Knox College that provides field ministry training to the seminary students. I will be his supervisor for this term since he requested to be placed in our church. Many of you are already familiar with this program because Rosalyn did TFE not too long ago at our church. It is a critical program that allows the seminary student to experience the overall ministries before they become a minister.
As part of the program requirements, he will begin to visit leaders’ meetings in both congregations, accompany me during house church visits, participate in communion, lead one community outreach, and offer a bible study or seminar for adults.
Anthony is already serving as Youth & Media director at our church, so you might not feel that his role doesn’t change much on Sunday. But the significant change is that he will now begin to preach on Sunday. TFE requires the student to preach at least four times during the program. So he will preach at least two times at The Seed, one time at Children’s ministry, and one time at KSC during the program.
It is always nervous when you start anything new. But to preach at the church where you grew up can be extra challenging because people are not used to seeing you as a preacher and they cannot help but to see you through your history, which may contain good but also not-so-proud moments.
So I would like to ask a lot of support and encouragement as Anthony begins to communicate God’s word soon. When he preaches, expect to hear God speaking through him. Also, don’t be afraid to provide accurate feedback as he needs that during this time of the internship. Above all, please pray for his growth as a leader and a communicator through this excellent learning opportunity.