161. “Three Strands” Prayer Meeting

Korean Speaking Congregation (KSC) starts every new year with “Three Strands” prayer meeting. This name is from Ecclesiastes 4:12, “…A cord of three strands is not easily broken.” You pray with two other “prayer-mates” for 10 minutes (you can pray more after, of course) for ten days early in the morning for each other’s one pressing prayer topic. This year, it is happening from 1/8-18.
Many people find it difficult to pray on their own consistently. But this prayer meeting makes it much easier because you are praying with two other people for ten days together. Through the testimonies I hear, many prayer requests are getting answered through this prayer meeting.
Every year, Pastor Kwack usually picks a book on a particular topic, and he preaches from it during this prayer meeting. This year, he will teach from the book called “Purpose Driven Life,” written by Rick Warren. I will be providing translation if necessary. It is recommended that you purchase it earlier and read it before or during the duration of the meeting.
The more we live our Christian life without prayer, the more we become dependant on our effort. As a result, we become satisfied with doing religious activities that we can do on our own, without experiencing the transformation and breakthroughs only God can bring in our lives. Jesus not only served people with humility, but he also ministered to them with the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus prayed regularly because he knew without prayer, God’s power to save and heal would not be released.
If you want to start the new year with prayer, I encourage you to form a prayer group with two other members and come to the prayer meeting. We will try to reserve a section for The Seed members if possible so we can pray together. I believe It will be the best way to start your new year. Even if you can’t commit to it, let’s plan to start the new year with prayer, expecting God to do greater things in our lives and The Seed.