184. Online Retreat

We had booked the retreat site and confirmed guest speaker, but due to COVID-19, we had to cancel the booking. However, regarding the retreat, Membership team leader suggested providing an online version instead of cancelling it. At first, I wasn’t sure, but after discussing the format, it sounded like a good way to offer spiritual provision for our members, as we didn’t have bible study during the summer.
So here is the format: There will be a total of 5 short sessions. On the first day, we will revisit our past through a brief teaching and doing a spiritual exercise called “Life Scroll.” On the second day, we will plan for our future using “Personal Inventory” and learn how to stay intimate with God after the retreat.
It will be free for members. But to attend this retreat, you would still have to sign up online. Upon registration, the retreat workbook will be delivered to the registrants, and a link to the online retreat will be provided later.
In terms of schedule, it will happen on Friday evening (9/18) and Saturday morning (9/19). Unlike the usual two nights retreat, this online version will only take up about 2 hours of the evening on Friday and 3 hours of the morning on Saturday. Please consider attending as this can spark a brand new spiritual joy in your faith.
If you want to have a proper closure of your past and design your future with God in a new way, this will help you. For those who are interested, here is the title of each session:
- 01 Sacred Slow
- 02 Life Scroll
- 03 God in the Room
- 04 Personal Inventory
- 05 Intimacy