266. Why Is Living Life 13 Weeks?

I heard from pastors doing house church ministry that their members say that the duration of Living Life bible study, which is 13 weeks, is too long. I hear similar feedback from a few of our members once in a while. Such sentiment is understandable because I sometimes feel the same way as the instructor. But here is the reason why it will remain at 13 weeks.
All our bible study classes are called “Life” bible studies. If information transfer is the goal, 7-8 weeks would be the best length. But the ultimate goal of every Life bible study is disciple-making. They are designed to train our intellect and our spiritual “grit,” such as commitment, endurance, and patience, traits of Jesus’ followers. For that reason, even the Living Life, our first Bible study designed for non-Christians and new Christians, is 13 weeks. Of course, this is only possible because most participants are already open about Christianity because of their experience in house church.
So, I see the duration of Life Series as a tension to manage, not a problem to solve. I understand that a few people might be reluctant to take Life Series because it is 13 weeks long. But I also know that once people finish something that requires 13 weeks, they gain a great sense of accomplishment and healthy confidence. It prepares them for the next step of becoming fully devoted followers of Jesus.
But to manage the tension, we offer CLASS 101, which is only four weeks and has much less work to do. If you are on the fence about taking living life after having finished New Family Class and Gospel Presentation Session, taking CLASS 101 would be a viable option. It gets offered a few times a year between Life Bible Study seasons. CLASS 101 would feel more like a “seminar” than a Bible study, so it would be a good stepping stone before Living Life if its duration is a big issue for you.