314. Fall in Love with your Physical Bible (Again)

Whether you are doing a full Daniel fast (food + media) or just the media, it is important to fill yourself with something else, or it becomes a dreadful endurance that means very little in the end. That is why at every Daniel Fast, we encourage all participants to read through the entire New Testament in 21 days.
This year, I would like to encourage everyone to read the New Testament in their “physical” Bible. As the Bible app became more accessible and my Bible study happens mostly on computer, I have been reading the Bible digitally the majority of the time. But recently, I began to read the physical Bible more again. Even though “content” is more essential than “forms”, there are a few practical reasons for this change.
1. I want to show my kids that I am actually reading the Bible.
If I read the Bible on my phone or kindle, my kids don’t know whether I am reading the Bible or doing something else. I don’t read the Bible to prove anything, but how we are perceived matters, especially in parenting.
2. The Bible is meant to be read “slowly”, to engage with it deeply and thoughtfully.
We often “scan” (not read) for information on screen, and it is easy to approach the Bible the same way as we read it on screen.
3. Physical presence communicates “significance”.
Bringing physical flowers to your lover is an entirely different experience from texting the photo of flowers. Physical presence matters. There is something special about picking up your physical Bible to read it rather than reading it on screen.
4. It eliminates distractions.
In fact, it is the biggest reason. On the phone, we can be distracted to jump to other apps, as we are used to doing. Even on kindles, I am tempted to jump from the Bible to other books. When you pick up the Bible, you know there is only one thing you intend to do and can do: “Reading it”.
By no means, I am saying reading the Bible digitally is worse than reading it on paper. You can be reading the thickest Bible and still end up with the heart far from God. I will continue to read and study the Bible through multiple mediums, not just paper. But given the many benefits of reading the Bible in paper form, Daniel Fast might be a good opportunity to read the Bible “differently” for 21 days. You can print the 21 Days New Testament reading plan on our website. With your favourite pen and highlighter (and with decaffeinated tea if you like), fall in love with your physical Bible and with the One who wrote it for you.