341. Children Ministry “Team”

As you probably heard through the Ministry mont presentation, we now have a children ministry “team”. This is not starting our own children “ministry”. Currently, we do not have ESC members with children. This team is specifically created to “support” the needs of children ministry in KSC. KSC is responsible for children ministry in our church for both congregations.
Many of KSC children ministry staff are long-time lay leaders who faithfully sustained the ministry. But as all young children go to The Seed upon graduation, without a continuous supply of young volunteers, their staff will continue to grow older and lack resources.
We are one church with two congregations. As ESC takes care of youth, and KSC takes care of children, we are not independent but interdependent of one another. This new support team helps us to not only look like one church, but act as one church, investing in the next generation together.
I’ve always believed that God has given us every person we need to do what he wants us to do now in our church. So I try not to initiate something until there is someone willing to take on the role. I am so glad this team started because there was someone who felt led by God to address the important need in our church. Every resource and time we put in children ministry will be richly rewarded, as they will be more likely to come to The Seed, already loving Jesus and his church. So, in the bigger picture, children ministry is an extension of the Youth ministry.
As the team is starting this year, the exact roles and scope of the team’s ministry will be more clear in a year or two. Please pray that our two congregations will continue to be united as one church through humbly and joyfully serving each other. And also, if God stirs your heart, and you have a heart for children, consider investing in our next generation.