357. Consider Hosting House Church At Least 3 Times A Year

357. Consider Hosting House Church At Least 3 Times A Year

Some people assume shepherds are supposed to host house church every week, but by principle, hosting must be rotated, as we seek to replicate the early church as much as we can. In Acts 2:46, it says, “… they… broke bread from house to house”. It is evident that early Christians “took turns” opening up their home for fellowship, as a sign and evidence that they are part of a loving family where love is both given and received. Thankfully, many of our members have willingly hosted house church meetings and are continuing to do so.

Taking turn to host not only lessens the load for shepherds (though they host with grateful heart), but it also helps members to practice “hospitality”. Abraham accidentally served angels by being hospitable to strangers. (Gen 18:1-15, Heb 13:2) It is something that needs to be practiced, especially in North America that is heavily influenced by individualism.

The Apostle Paul quotes the word of Jesus, “it is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). Hosting is a great privilege because you “get to” give your space, food, and energy for the people in your house church. You get blessed. Though we don’t do it for blessing’s sake, our experience confirms the word of Jesus.

Assuming average attendance for each house church is 8, if each member hosts 3 times a year (once every four months), that is already 24 times in 51 weeks hosted by members (Almost 50%). I know that many of our members are unable, not unwilling, to host for various reasons. But I still don’t want our members to give up on hosting.

Remember, sacrificial giving is far more inspiring than generous giving. Even if you have a small place, hosting blesses your home, and it can inspire others who never thought of hosting to do the same. More importantly, giving out of scarcity catches Jesus’ attention. (Luke 21:2) Consider hosting as the privilege to get the attention from the creator of this universe, who has every power and ways to bless you.

Also, don’t worry too much about the quality of food. Modern people are already used to good food. Even if it is subpar food, or you have poor cooking skills, they should not be the reason for not hosting.

So, mark three Fridays in your calendar when you can host this year, then let your shepherds know. Even if you are not currently in a situation to host, at least pray that one day you may be able to.