64. Reconnecting with the mission

I attended Shepherd and Shepherd’s spouse retreat hosted by KSC last weekend. Some of ESC shepherds’ spouses were present as well. It was special because we were about to celebrate 10th year anniversary of Mokmin Church. From Friday to Saturday, we invited Pastor Kim Jaejung (who served a church in Atlanta and now he is retired) and listened to his messages at Daehan prayer center.
Messages from Pastor Kim were great. He is considered as the most respected pastor among pastors who do house church ministries. He doesn’t use many illustrations and fancy words but his messages were right to the point and they helped us reflect our ultimate motive of serving God and his people.
After each message, participants lined up to recommit their lives to God and it was a real joy to witness that. Jesus said those who “keep” my word will establish their lives on a firm foundation. Our church leaders were demonstrating that after each message.
It was a time of reconnecting with our mission. The message was simple but powerful. We are not after numerical growth (though that usually happens as a by-product when the church is healthy) but we are after people. Not to convert them but to love them. As we begin to love people, we become more patient with lack of change.
To let shepherds and their spouses rest during the retreat, most of the retreat was prepared by pastors and pastors’ wives. I prepared a video that compiles messages from house church members to their shepherds for this retreat. Because I use video editor once a year, it took much longer than I wanted but it was worth it. Many shepherds and shepherds’ spouse were touched by their members’ message of gratefulness.
Though I serve as a shepherd, serving shepherds as a pastor was a very fulfilling time. I was happy to be serving the church that honors and respects lay-leaders’ ministries. Often lay leaders serve for the head pastor’s ministry in many churches but not in our church. This was a beautiful picture to behold.
After the retreat, I was really tired but my heart was warm. It was a truly unifying and uplifting experience. When leaders change, followers change. I’m very excited about what will happen in our church for the next 10 years.