New Family Class (19) Completion * Congratulations to Daniel Kim on successfully completing the New Family Class (NFC) ! May God empower you to serve Jesus and his church with joy and passion
Nehemiah Have you ever felt something was ruined in your life? We all carry damaged parts of our lives. But many times, instead of rebuilding them back to where they need to be, we live on. It could be because of indifference, exhaustion or fear. What if there is a clear
Follow We forget that Jesus never asked anyone to become a Christian: He asked them to “follow” him. What if I told you our dissatisfaction in life doesn’t come from lack of things, rough life condition, or not-so-great family but from not following him? What if we start caring more
How to Feel Powerful Series Overview We go through helpless situations in life, in our family, work, school, and relationships. Not knowing why they happen, when they will end, and what we should do can make even the most optimistic ones feel powerless. However, there is a way to feel powerful even through such
Do Faith Series overview Have you wondered what faith really is? Have you ever thought faith is illogical? Well, you are not alone. Faith can be confusing as it is often misunderstood in a doubting world. But it doesn’t have to be. Faith can make sense and it has potential to
We're Live! (First Online Service) Thank you for tuning in for our first online service at The Seed. Seeing our members tune in and chat online together warmed our hearts. Let’s continue to stay a community despite these uncertain times. Here is some behind the scenes. Please join us next Sunday at
2020 Ski Trip * Thanks to everyone who came out to our 2020 Ski Trip! We had an awesome time of skiing and snowboarding, playing board games and pigging out in the chalet. And what a blessing it was to have four VIP guests along with us for the night 🙂 Hope to see you