Growing Life Testimony - Esther Sung

Hi, everyone. I am here to share how God has spoken to me through growing life bible study.
For all my Christian life, I felt that my relationship with God was very shallow and distant. Even after taking couple of life series, relationship with God did not feel intimate. When I was desiring for intimate relationship with God, some of my friends who already took growing life recommended it. Through this bible study I learned why I felt this way and how to deepen the relationship with God.
Halfway through the bible study, we learned about old and new natures. The old nature wants to exalt self; the new nature seeks to cause the love of God to flow through you. I realized the old nature does not go away when new nature is received, but it will always tempt you to fall back and sin. Even though we could fall back, by maintaining daily QT and prayer we could grow spiritually.
But Pastor Caleb said that there could be no spiritual growth even with daily QT and prayer lifestyle if they are not meaningful. He meant that obedience should be followed by daily QT and there should be emotions shared in prayer. I learned my lack of obedience prevented me to mature spiritually. After my realization, spending time with God became intimate and more enjoyable.
Because now I know I can fall back to old nature without QT and prayer lifestyle, I will continue to begin and end my day spending time with God. Thank you for listening.