
  • Sermon Title: John
  • Series Subtitle: What We Believe and Why It Matters

Jesus is not just a famous religious figure. He is not just a ticket to heaven. He is the principle and wisdom we modern people are desperately searching for. Knowing him doesn’t just make us religious. It makes us wise, principled and insightful, as Jesus is the God who brought this world into existence. Not just long time ago, but before there was a “time”. And what he has done has changed the world he loved and created.

  1. Word
  2. Flesh
  3. Voice
  4. Follow
  5. Wedding
  6. Temple
  7. Born Again
  8. Decrease
  9. Living Water
  10. Harvest
  11. Departed
  12. Mat
  13. Sabbath
  14. Bread
  15. Different Bread
  16. Judge Right
  17. Light
  18. Blind
  19. Gate and Shepherd