Living Life (7) Testimony - Terry Kang

Sup with it, it’s Terry and I’m here to share my living life testimony. Before, the only information I knew about God and the Bible was from these Korean bible comic books that I’ve read as a children. From it, I had so many lingering questions that were left unanswered. Maybe I should have bought the later volumes of the comics. So I took Living Life as a mean to answer these questions that I was curious about, so I signed on board.
In retrospect, Living Life clarified and instilled in me the fundamentals I needed to lead a Christian Life. Before this point, I didn’t understand where God played in my life. While I don’t have time today to explain everything that I learned. One experience that really stuck out to me was when we prayed out loud for 15 minutes straight. Admittedly, I thought it was going to be pretty awkward (and it was), but after breaking the ice within the first few minutes, I was able to think with such clarity and conviction in a time of transition and doubt for me like I’ve never had before. To me, this was invaluable. Because of this time, I was able to hone in on the specific aspects of my life, in which I prayed for, and, over time, I could see substantial improvements.
Since then, I’ve began praying after every meal to slow down my day and ground myself. In this day and age, it could be real easy to be forgetful of all the blessings we receive from God, be it the food that we eat or the people we share it with, it never fails to truly brighten up my day. I took living life with the mindset to learn as much as I could, to collect the tiles needed to make my path as a Christian. And, it delivered and gave me knowledge that I couldn’t have gotten from a Bible comic book.