New Family Class (18) Completion * Congratulations to Joseph Yeo on successfully completing the New Family Class (NFC) ! May God empower you to serve Jesus and his church with joy and passion!
168. Mission Month We’ve been going on a short-term mission trip for the last six years. Since 2003, every year, we’ve been going to Nicaragua and ministering to a designated church in Los Solices. The ministry has been expanding to different regions and different demographics. However, mission trip participation has not
167. Small Changes In Communion Too much change is never pleasant, but consistent change helps with bringing meaning out of what we repeatedly do. That is why I try to change 1 or 2 things in our service every year if possible. This year, we are going to change a few things in how we
166. Alignment, Not Agreement Through previous blog posts (Refer to blog post 11, 16, 108), I have mentioned multiple times that the Church is not a democracy. The “Church” is a spiritual institution, not a political one. It is a model of God’s “Kingdom”, not a reflection of human government. Indeed, there are
165. How To Easily Build or Break Habits As the new year is in, many are thinking about accomplishing new goals. Though having a goal is better than not having one, consider this: both winners and losers in sports have the same “goal.” What it tells us is that “goal” is not the differentiator of success, but the
2020 Unity Joint Youth Retreat Unity in Christ The Seed joined other churches in the KPCA for a joint youth retreat at Muskoka Woods. It was blessed time to learn about Christian Unity and how the Gospel message of Jesus unites us. Kudos to our youth and youth shepherds for trying something new! * * * * * * * * *
164. Congregation Meeting As we will be managing our finance starting from next year, the budget that team leaders submitted and approved by Strategic Leadership Team needs to be accepted by the congregation through “Congregation Meeting.” So far, KSC managed all the finance, so they have also handled such finance-related meetings as well.