131. Some Changes In Response Time

We are making some changes in how the response time is run.
So I would like to inform what changes will happen and also make a suggestion in light of them. So here they are.
1. Standing Again For Response Song
Starting from today, we will stand again for response song after sermon. The reason why we asked people to sit down during response time was to give people time to fill out communication cards for their decisions regarding the message. It seemed to work well in the beginning but fewer people filled out the cards as time went by. I think the main part of the reason is we’ve transitioned into online registration for many decisions that were previously collected through the card.
2. Communication Card is still here
We are not phasing out communication card completely for now. It will be now located beside the giving kiosk and certain decisions will still be made using it. Newcomers are still encouraged to use the card to communicate their decisions or inquiries after the service. Also if you want me to pray for your specific decision about the message, you can still fill out the card and put it in the giving Kiosk.
3. Remain Quiet & Seated During Silent Prayer Time
It doesn’t happen every time but when the sermon is finished and people are invited to remain in silence for prayer, some see that as the time to go to the washroom. It is understandable but I would like to suggest waiting a few more minutes until everyone stands together for response song.
It is because there are people who really want to connect with the message and turn their decision into prayer during this time. It is not only distracting to those who are trying to listen to what God has to say but also you might also be missing out an opportunity to connect with God. No pastors expect everyone to understand everything about the sermon. But I do expect people to find out one thing God is telling them to do. Without thinking about a concrete application in silence, the message you just heard easily becomes a fuzzy memory the minute you step into the fellowship area and start talking to someone.
The silent prayer time is a wonderful opportunity to cut out the noise in this hectic world and concentrate on what God has to say to us for the coming week. I know it will take some time for everyone to get used to this but let’s not miss this opportunity and accidentally rob others of it. Though it may be short, it is not short of potential to change your coming week.