138. Service Time Change

Starting from the first Sunday of July (7/7), our service time will change back to 12:30pm. The reason why we are implementing this starting from 7/7 is because that’s when grade 6 will be attending The Seed for the first time. Changing it then would also give our members enough time to prepare for the change.
Our service time used to be 12:30pm. But when we started to rent the current building in 2016, there was another church worshipping right next to us. They had children’s classes at the rooms adjacent to our worship space and the music we play were distracting their program. So, to avoid conflict, we decided to change the service time to 12:45pm.
But one of the issues that were brought up recently was that it was challenging for some of KSC parents who have youth attending The Seed to make it to their service on time, since we are worshipping in separate location. This impacted KSC children ministry since many of them were late to drop off their children and their children ended up missing praise time in Rocket Kids.
But the biggest issue was that since our service starts later than KSC service, their service ends earlier than ours. As a result, some KSC parents had to pick up their youth in the middle of Youth House Church (YHC) meeting due to their after-church schedule.
Good news is that, our neighbouring church was fine with our service time change as long as we minimize noise between 11:45-12:15pm. We believe this will eliminate the above problems. It will be easier for KSC parents to make it to their service on time and help their children participate in their program, and it will provide more YHC meeting time until they pick up their youth.
I’m aware that service time change is a big change. It affects Sunday schedule of all our members and visitors. It also affects many of our ministry teams and their preparation time for Sunday service. But I would like to kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation as we make this transition since we believe this is the best move for The Seed and KSC. There is one month to prepare for any change that is required. I would like to ask that you take this time to adjust in advance so that we can minimize possible inconvenience down the road.
We will remind our members and visitors the day before the Sunday that this change is effective. Hope to see all of you at 12:30pm on July 7th. 🙂