142. Youth Ministry Talk

We are holding our very first “Youth Ministry Talk” on July 14th Sunday. For those who are wondering what it is, think of it as an information session for youth ministry. Youth Shepherds have come up with this great idea of inviting all those who might be interested in youth ministry and giving a talk about how it is is like serve in it.
Youth ministry is not just youth shepherds’ ministry. They play a pivotal role but also require a lot of help from other adult volunteers when it comes to organizing youth events and activities. Helping out in such events not only helps youth to engage with each other but can be an excellent opportunity to build a relationship with youth. It can be an enriching experience because many teens are looking for adults to whom they can relate and look up.
In the session, you will get to hear up-close how it is like to serve in youth ministry from youth shepherds. Also, you will get to listen to some upcoming changes that will happen in youth ministry before anyone else, as we are preparing some significant changes that will happen this September.
If you feel that you have the desire to know more about youth ministry and how you can contribute to it, please come. You don’t have to have a previous ministry experience. You don’t need to join the youth ministry team just because you came. It will be a low-pressure environment to introduce youth ministry in general and present possible serving opportunities that suit people at all level of commitments.