143. Youth and Media Director

I started working at this church as a youth pastor 11 years ago. But my role has been continually changing over the years as our congregation grew not only in numbers but in diversity in generations. As the congregation grows, members’ need increase as well. Currently, I feel that my role has been expanded beyond my capacity to fill every group’s need, especially the youth. That is why I have been praying for a few years for someone who can share the burden of leading the youth ministry together. Good news is that God has answered the prayer.
Anthony Cho will be serving as Youth and Media Director starting from today. As the youth director, his first ministry will be teaching grade 7 orientation sessions for the next 8 weeks. From September, he will be leading Bible Study for Grade 7 and 8 every week and slowly transition into bigger roles moving forward. As the media director, he will provide direction for things related to media and design, and support for creative team.
I believe that the future of church ministry is in the following two: Youth and Media. Youth are the future of our church. Media is the future of human communication. If we are not able to engage with youth and leverage the power of media to communicate the gospel and the mission of the church, the church will lose its effectiveness in fulfilling its mission.
Thankfully, Anthony has the heart and experience to advance these two missions. He grew up in our youth ministry, served as a youth leader while he was in youth group, and got called into ministry while serving faithfully in house church. He is currently serving as an assistant shepherd in one of the single house churches. It is challenging to find a seminary student who loves youth and has a great understanding of house church ministry. Anthony is also currently working in a design company and has been a significant part of design & media projects in The Seed.
The primary task of a pastor is preaching and teaching ministry. Some people decide to go into ministry without a clear call and gift for this ministry. Fortunately, Anthony has a strong passion for God’s Word and has shown great potential in communicating God’s message effectively through leading seminars in the past retreats.
I think we are so fortunate to have someone with such character and competency volunteering to serve as a youth and media director. Please pray for his new journey in our church and embrace him not just as a brother in Christ but also as a minister.