17. Youth House Church will also support missionaries

If you check the bulletin every week, you probably have noticed that our youth house churches (YHC) are now named after the mission fields they support. All four regions are located in South Asia, mainly India and Nepal. This region is part of “10/40 window” where 90% of the poverty of the world is located. Not surprisingly, this region is the most unreached area for the gospel. To focus our effort to help this part of the world, all YHC will support missionaires working through an organization called “GFA” or Gospel For Asia. Unlike other charity organizations, most of your donation goes to mission work, not admin fees. One missionary gets donations from multiple supporters until he/she becomes financially independant.
Adult house churches have already been supporting missionaries. Now, YHC also gets to participate in global mission. The reason why we do this is that the main body (or agent) of evangelism and mission in our church is house church. Evangelism and Mission is not just for gifted people. This mission to the save the lost and make disciples of all nations is given to all people in the church, both young and old.
We humans are “self-centered” by default. That is why without intentional system that forces us to see outside of our group repeatedly, we tend to make every meeting about us and filling our needs. By systematically naming house churches after mission field’s name, collecting mission offering each month, ending every house church meeting with praying together for the missionary, all help us to be aware of the world beyond our group that needs our help.
It takes $30 per month to support a GFA missionary. For a YHC that has 8 members, each student only needs to contribute $1 / week to make an eternal difference by partnering with their missionary. The reason why we don’t just pray for the missionary is this: Jesus said, “wherever your treasure (money) is, your heart will be there as well”. By financally supporting your missionary, your heart will also be connected to the mission as well. It might be a small contribution but it is a wonderful privilege to share in the eternal rewards of heaven.