211. Micro-Evolution vs Macro-Evolution

Many scientists often ridicule those who are skeptical about evolution theory and frame them as non-scientific and ignorant.
But most Christian scientists acknowledge “micro-evolution” as it is scientifically observable. It is evolution happening within the “same” species. (ex. Sparrows exhibiting different features, such as appearance or colour, in different regions) However, Christian scientists reject “macro-evolution.” It is evolution happening across “different” species. (ex. Monkey to Human) It has not been observed in nature, and convincing transitional fossils are not found.
Many evolutionists claim that the discovery of evolution theory (primarily macro-evolution) has put an end to the idea of a “creator,” and they use it as evidence that God doesn’t exist. However, this poses some challenges.
First, the primary mechanism through which evolution happens is “Natural Selection.” (along with mutation, genetic drift and gene flow). But it assumes that there is an “existing life” to choose from. (or it will have nothing to “select”). But evolutionists assume that something came into existence on its own by chance, which is not observable today and difficult to believe, knowing how complex even a single-celled organism is in its genetic code. (Ex. E.Coli bacteria has 4403 genes and 4639221 pairs of DNA)
Second, Darwin, who originally proposed the evolution theory in his book “The Origin of Species” did not attempt to present “atheism” as the conclusion of his finding. Darwin’s correspondence with the novelist Charles Kingsley reveals that Darwin was impressed with Charles’ view of his theory of natural selection, which was “God… was so wise that he could make all things make themselves.” So, original evolution theory never assumed a non-existent creator. It was atheists (such as Richard Dawkins) who used natural selection as their persuasion device to assert their atheistic world view, the world governed by an “automatic” process, without a purposeful creator.
But as we already know, an automatic process does not prove anything about a non-existent creator. For example, when we see a self-driving car, even though we don’t know the creator, we know that making things automatic and self-propelling requires more intelligence from the creator, if not less.
Contrary to popular beliefs, micro-evolution only seems to substantiate the existence of an intelligent creator who has placed a reproducing nature and implemented a fine-tuned, automatic mechanism by which it becomes more diverse.