213. One Year of Pandemic

This Sunday marks exactly one year from our first live streaming service last year. I remember frantically praying for our members for their safety and scrambling to come up with a message for such an unprecedented time while doing tons of research on how to do live streaming. Since then, it is remarkable how our church navigated through one year of Pandemic with strength and hope.
As we know, the Pandemic dramatically changed the world we see today. Remote work is now a norm, if not an option. More people are starting podcasts and youtube channels and exploring hobbies that used to be a second thought. Industries and business models are changing. With every innovation and change comes a heightened sense of uncertainty of the future.
Even though the pandemic situation seems to be getting better, many people still predict it will last longer than we want. When trials last longer than expected, it becomes difficult to manage our thoughts and emotions, leading to helplessness. As the Proverbs says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick.” When feeling helpless, the best thing to do is not trying to help yourself. It is to rely on someone who can help.
When I read the story of Peter walking on water, I used to look down on Peter for taking his eyes off Jesus and sinking, but now I get comforted because I identify with him much more. Sometimes I feel like I am above the problems, but I also find myself sinking in my anxious thoughts, worries and fear. I certainly experienced both during the Pandemic. But what comforts me is that Jesus still extended his hands to help Peter up. Even if you find yourself sinking, he is extending his hands to help.
After one year of Pandemic, I am grateful that all house churches gather faithfully even through many challenges and losses. Every time I read house church diaries, I am reminded that we are the body of Christ, deeply connected with each other. We are the hands and feet of Jesus. Let’s continue to lift each other and reach out to the ones who need the help of Jesus as we navigate another phase of Pandemic.