234. Principle Is Not Enough

Many people learn how to do things online. Thanks to books, Youtube and many teaching platforms, self-learning hasn’t been this easier. Learning principles are not complicated. You have to pick up a few books on the topic and watch a few videos. But as many people soon realize, implementing principles is not that straightforward.
For example, if you want to become a good artist, knowing the mechanics and principles of drawing would be very helpful. But as you go deeper, you understand there is so much more to drawing than just principles. I’ve read many books on leadership and learned valuable principles. But as many say, “the devil is in the detail.” There are so many nuances and details in “how” we execute leadership that learning it on our own has significant limitations and even danger.
In that sense, I am deeply grateful for Pastor Kwack. I learned how to apply leadership principles wisely based on my context, without forcing them. I was able to observe in person how leadership is expressed and exercised in real life. I got to witness how his leadership decisions came to fruition after 10+ years. And learning the details of leadership humbled me as I realized that leadership is “art.” It is a never-ending pursuit no one can master. It is about growing in it, not mastering it.
It is not limited to leadership. In every area of life, knowing the principles are not enough. We need to “see” how the principles are lived out in person. I believe that is why God, the ultimate principle (in Greek, “Logos”), had to come in person (John 1:14). We need leaders and mentors that we can see to understand God and apply Gospel correctly in real life. That is why doing faith alone is the most dangerous thing to do in Christian life.