267. Online Good Friday Service

We’ve had joint service for Good Friday with KSC. But since last year, we started having our own Good Friday service. Last year, we had to try something new, as Good Friday happened in the middle of the Pandemic. So we live-streamed a pre-recorded service of praise, sermon and communion instruction so that each of our members could participate at home.
However, unlike last year, we will stream the service to be watched together in each house church for this year’s Good Friday service. The service will stream at 8:30 pm so members can watch together after the house church meal. The service will run 15-20 minutes, replacing the “Praise” and “Sermon summary” portions of house church meeting. Youth can join individually at home, as youth shepherds will be with their house church. You can find the live stream on The Seed youtube channel.
As we will have communion, shepherds will pick up communion kits for their members this Sunday. If you are an adult and baptized and think you won’t make it to house church this week, please pick one up at the front after the service. If you are youth and baptized, please pick one up for yourself.
Jesus did communion with a small group of his disciples on the night of Passover before he was crucified. Early church members also had communion in their house church. (Acts 2:46) It will be a meaningful experience of re-enacting how early Christians celebrated communion.
I know eating would need to be more punctual than usual to finish it before the service starts. But one major reason house church meeting gets unnecessarily longer is the lingering time after the meal, so try thinking of it as a discipline to start, not an interruption.