272. Importance of Intimacy

After coming back from the House Church Conference last Tuesday, I began to have cold-like symptoms on Thursday. I was negative until I took my third test on Saturday. Because I came back from international travel, I have to self-isolate for ten days (as opposed to five), until this Sunday. So I had to join our service online last Sunday, and will do the same this Sunday.

Self-isolation has been a challenging experience. I was hit with bad coughing, body chill and weakness for a few days, which really knocked me out. Also, having to remain in my office all day without being able to go outside and not being able to hug my family members have been very difficult. I thought I was the type of person who enjoys time being alone but if that became the only option, it was much more challenging than I anticipated.

To make the best out of this time, I have been trying my best to sleep as often as possible, read good books and watch interesting shows. They helped lessening the psychotic impact of self-isolation.

During this period, I was able to reflect on our need for intimacy. I had my family members who dropped off food at my door and provided what I needed at the moment. We were able to talk through the closed door, video calls and such. But being able to physically interact with people you love can never be replaced, such as hug, picking up kids after school, watch something together and eating together. I was able to appreciate much more why God had to come down in person. It wasn’t enough for God to talk to us and provide for our needs: He wanted to be seen, touched, and felt.