274. Culture of Honor

Many years ago, pastor team read a book together which was called, “Culture of Honor”. The author says that “honor is the hardware that bolts all the plumbing pipe from heaven together”. In other words, it allows God’s provision to come without hinderance. Without honor, relationships cannot thrive and conflicts begin to happen. According to the author, culture of honor is a heavenly culture that we must strive to build together as a community.
We are living in a culture where people are afraid of “sin”. People take offence when someone sins. The whole system is built around how to deal with sin and to stay away from it as far as you can. As a result, many rules, and regulations are made to prevent people from sinning. In this type of culture, one’s failure is punished, relationship is sacrificed and shame is a prevalent atmosphere. People are cautious and afraid of making mistakes.
However, in the culture of honor, sins are forgiven, one is free to fail without repercussion of falling into shame, and relationship is valued over the benefit of organization. People are valued, differences are celebrated and as a result, people “thrive” in their God given roles. The community begins to experience heavenly blessings regularly because the culture is now in align with that of heaven.
Building such a culture is every leader’s dream, but it takes more than one individual’s effort or campaign. It requires corporate effort to “show” honor to those who don’t deserve to be honored, recognizing different gifts in each person. It is possible when we begin to say to each other, “I need you because you have something I don’t have”. I already see that happening at The Seed and am genuinely grateful to God for that.