297. God In The Valley

It’s been almost two weeks since my mom had a stroke. To provide some update, she has been stable. We were genuinely thankful that the fatal complication called “Vasospasm”, which was anticipated, still hasn’t happened. Medical staff told me they were “shocked” by that, and I believe it is because of many who are praying for my mom. My mom is still dealing with elevated ICP (Intracranial Pressure) but staff are trying to reduce the med slowly and carefully, so she will be off sedation and regain conscience.
The doctor initially said she will be in ICU at least for two weeks. Later I was told that that’s when the patient progresses exactly as expected. But since my mom’s condition was bad when she was admitted, and she is not progressing as quick, I was told that it would be at least 3-4 weeks in ICU for her. And given her progress, it will be a slow-grind for the next few weeks.
So, I am planning to resume my daily work starting from next week. I have been visiting the hospital every day for the last two weeks. But I will be reducing frequency and duration of hospital visit for now, until required otherwise. Many have advised me to pace myself, and I am feeling the need, both physically and mentally.
As our family goes through the season of valley, God gave us enough promises to remain hopeful. There were days when I felt he was silent. But one pastor said when God seems silent, it is because he has already spoken. Even on days when he doesn’t seem to speak, I began to see that as a reminder to listen to the past promises God has already spoken to me personally and through the Scripture.
I have been meditating on Psalms 23:4 a lot, which says, “Even when I go through the darkest valley, I fear no danger, for you are with me…”. What encouraged me was that going through the valley is not a matter of “if” but “when”. Our life throws curveballs all the time. That is the reality of life I often forget. But even then, he has promised to be present. And his presence was undeniable during this time. I am thankful for everyone who supported us for the last two crazy weeks. God has been proven his faithfulness to us, and he will continue to do so.