319. HC Conference at San Jose

I came back safely from attending House Church (HC) conference in San Jose. I arrived home late Friday, around 2 am due to the time-zone difference.
It was a special conference because we were celebrating the 30th year of the beginning of the HC ministry. We had many guests who came from Korea. Many of them were witnesses of how this house church movement grew from its infancy, many years ago. I also felt like one of the witnesses, as we had the record number of 20 English-speaking pastors in attendance. The group used to be around three, 10 years ago, so the house church has not only gone globally but vertically to the next generations.
The House Church movement began in Houston, from a small church then, called Seoul Baptist Church (SBC). It began with Pastor Chai, who wrested with the Bible to imitate the New Testament church as much as he can. And now there are house churches (based on 3 Axes and 4 Pillars) all over the world. As he was giving the opening speech, he acknowledged how unbelievable what he was seeing, and that this was all God’s working. But he also challenged us to not focus on the past 30 years, but the next 30 years. Because if this house church is the church that Jesus dreamt of, we must make sure it continues and develops until Jesus comes back.
The part that got to me the most was when he emphasized the need for personal revival for pastors, that comes from deep hunger for more of God and the demonstration of his power. Without it, house church becomes a system-only, good-looking car without a powerful engine. He also emphasized the need for Family ministry, which I might share more about at a later date.
It was wonderful to fellowship with other English-speaking pastors who do house church ministry. Though we were all different in our theological convictions, denominations, and ministry/leadership style, I felt at home because we knew we were heading in the same direction with one another. As I am the only English-speaking pastor who does house church ministry in Canada, it was a much-needed fellowship and learning. Many of them told me they are planning to come to the conference that is happening at our church this September. I felt delighted to be part of what God is doing through house church ministry, and with many wonderful ministry partners.