325. Retreat Guest Speaker

325. Retreat Guest Speaker

We have an annual member’s retreat for adults this weekend. The guest speaker is Pastor Doug Easterday. I have quoted below portions of his “about” webpage (www.FatherHeartofGod.com) contents for members who want to know who he is before hearing him.

OVER THE PAST 40 YEARS, Bible teacher and scholar Doug Easterday has been introducing the Father Heart of God to thousands of students in over 20 countries and most states in the US and Canada. His different lecture series on foundational topics have revolutionized students’ spiritual walk by reframing their expectations about God, strengthened their roles in their families, and built their capability for Biblical leadership…

Doug Easterday was born into the home of a Pastor and was raised in a conservative evangelical home. He grew up in Illinois, Nebraska, Iowa, and Minnesota… A move to Minneapolis between his junior and senior year in high school began a significant change in his life. Doug was married to his wife Joyce in December 1969 in Minneapolis. After a required time with the US Army (drafted), he went through a 7-year training period with Daystar Ministry, which focused on Christian community and helping people overcome the problems of their past. This set the course for the rest of his life.

He was sent by Daystar to south Texas, where he pastored his first church and directed a ministry center. As he ministered, he observed the church and the body of Christ at large. He noticed that many in the church were not happy. There was a difference between what the Word of God said, and the way people were really living. They struggled with many issues and were not walking in victory. The Holy Spirit set a burden in his heart for the Body of Christ to be healthy and fully alive and victorious in their walk with the Lord.

He became the director of the entire Daystar Christian Ministry in 1982. He pastored in Indiana and Oregon. His burden for a healthy church increased. Research and study uncovered that most Christians have a distorted view of God and His character. God gave him a gift of teaching and deep understandings that help people realize who God really is by overcoming the wrong concepts they have developed about God.

Doug has been traveling and speaking since 1979. He now teaches full-time at Youth With A Mission Bases, pastor’s conferences, churches, marriage retreats, youth camps, and family youth camps… Doug’s wife Joyce passed away from Alzheimer’s disease in 2018. God wonderfully brought Donna into his life. She had been a family friend for 35 years. They were married in 2019. Doug and Donna live in Oregon.