328. Why Go on a Mission Trip

Nicaragua Mission Team will be leaving next Tuesday (7/11), returning on Monday (7/17). A total of 8 members are going, 4 from ESC (including myself) and 4 from KSC. Due to the pandemic, the church couldn’t go on mission trips, but I am glad we can go this year. I am especially thankful that we finally have a mission team leader.
I have been on multiple mission trips, 3 times during my university years and another 3 times in the last few years. But each time I struggled with not feeling too excited about going on a mission trip. I never expressed it publicly, but I had a hard time understanding people who get so excited about going to the mission. The mission trip felt more like an important duty or assignment to fulfill, not an enjoyable trip. And that struggle is true even today.
Many people hesitate to go on a short-term Mission trips because they don’t feel very “missional”. But we go on mission trips not because we are passionate about mission, but to become passionate about mission. God has already been on a mission from the beginning of human history, reconciling the world to himself in Christ. (2 Cor 5:19) His heart is full of mission, and we have a long way to reach his zeal. Once we see the people on the mission field and interact with them, we get a glimpse of people who are dear to God’s heart. As a result, we understand God’s heart, a little better than before. Though small, each trip I went helped me to make concrete progress.
Our team will be serving the church in Los Solices by hosting VBS for children and doing light construction work in Leon. We are going to Nicaragua as a small team (which was intentional) so we can get a good sense of what our church can do more there in the coming years. Please keep the team in your prayer.