363. Mission Rally
Korean-speaking Congregation (KSC) is hosting a “Mission Rally” during passion week, from 3/29-31. As both congregations are going on a mission trip together, we decided to make it a joint rally for Friday and Saturday nights, so all ESC members can participate. The speaker for this rally is missionary “Wonjoon Lee” who is serving in South Africa and surrounding English-speaking countries. He has helped plant many house churches in South Africa and raise leaders there.

From what I heard, this mission rally is happening on Passion Week because the missionary specifically requested it. He has had prior heart issues and when he got COVID-19 in 2021, he couldn’t recover from severe complications that affected his lung and was in a critical condition. But many pastors in House Church Ministry Internationals earnestly prayed for him and even raised funds to arrange an air ambulance, so he could get treatment in Korea. He still has lung issues, but he survived from the brink of death through the grace of God and love from other pastors. He is now back in South Africa, doing ministry again, leading HC seminars and Shepherd conferences. Due to the recent “near death” experience, he thinks sharing his testimony during Good Friday, and Easter would be fitting. So, there will be no Good Friday service or house church meetings that week so we can allow ESC members to participate.
I can sense that God is raising awareness and igniting the heart for the world mission in our church. Even if you don’t plan to go on a short-term mission trip this year, I encourage all The Seed members to join the Mission Rally, on Friday night and Saturday night. There is a mission seminar happening on Saturday late-morning too, where you can ask questions and get to know the missionary. It would be great to hear his amazing testimonies and what the needs are in the mission field today.
Translation will be provided for all sessions. To help the missionary share all that he has in his heart, we are providing live translation using the translation device. If you require translation, please pick up the receiver before the service. As we have a limited number of devices (9), if you can understand 60-70% of Korean sermons, please reserve them for non-Korean members or those who need translation to adequately understand Korean sermons.
*To assist your understanding of his ministry, I've attached some of his ministry photos below.