382. Ecuador Mission Trip

The Mission Ecuador Team came back safely on Friday. Our theme for this mission trip was “Comforter” (Isa 61:1-2). As the Holy Spirit is a comforter, the clear sign that we have participated in “his” ministry would be the comforted people through our ministry. Thankfully, we witnessed both missionaries and people in Ecuador sharing that they were comforted through our team’s unity and ministry.
But it was a rocky start. A few days before the mission trip, someone broke into our garage. Missionaries had to go to emergency three times before our arrival. But it turned out that was a prelude to a greater grace.
God allowed us to minister to many groups of people in different ways. We served with VBS, youth programs, mothers’ ministry, village visits, painting, etc. My highlight was the first village where we did VBS. I felt that they were very attentive to the praise and the sermon. Then the missionary told me it was their first time experiencing VBS and hearing the gospel. I remembered our Q. T passage of that day: “… How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news.” (Romans 10:15)
We had time to hear from missionaries who hosted us, and their testimony was inspiring. They struggled through faith-altering conditions like cancer and inherited disease. Yet, they persevered and confessed the faithfulness of God. Even after years of mission, they were still resolved to continue in it. They are also committed to HC ministry, and they are planning to launch two House Churches in August through the local pastor. Given their faithfulness, we believe God will start something good and big there.
Our team was thankful that it felt much less hot than Nicaragua and heard later that it was unusually cooler weather. We felt it was God’s provision. But the greatest part about this trip was that we were able to get a clear view of what God was doing there and how we could participate later if we chose to go back.
I would like to end with the quotes on the entrance door of the missionaries’ house, which I think accurately reflects the life of the mission they were living, and what we are challenged to live.
Our Daily Denial
1. I am not an owner.
2. There is nothing that is ours.
3. I cannot live the way I want.
We are servants of Christ.