406. Second Sabbatical

406. Second Sabbatical

I will be taking two months of Sabbatical this year, from May to June. I took my first sabbatical in 2018 for a month. I called it “research month” as it was the first time, and the idea of a sabbatical would’ve been difficult to understand fully for our members. I also didn’t know what to expect from it either.

But as it is the second time, I will call it as is, as I have experienced the benefit of taking a sabbatical. The main purpose of the sabbatical is to “rest” from work. Rest is active trust in God that even when we pause, God will continue to work.

God commanded the nation of Israel to take a Sabbath, not just weekly but every 7th year as well. (Lev 25:1-7) The main reason was to give slaves rest, but also to rest the land, so that it could replenish itself with all the nutrients to be ready for the next 6 years of harvest. Resting allowed creation to reset, replenish and recharge to be more fruitful.

After taking the first sabbatical, I learned that rest creates a margin, which is hard to get when busy with day-to-day responsibilities. From the margin comes creative ideas and quality thinking, as it provides the opportunity to work “on” ministry not “in” it.

After the first Sabbatical, God gave me the urge to initiate The Seed becoming financially autonomous. I believe this initiative caused significant growth in our members’ commitment and engagement in team ministry in the last 6 years. This was not planned at all before the sabbatical. I believe this margin provided a strategic solution our congregation needed at that time.

I haven’t finalized the schedule yet, but I am planning to spend May in the States, staying at my sister’s place and visiting churches I want to visit. In June, I’m planning to take my family to Korea. The last time Jennifer and I visited Korea was 15 years ago for my sister’s wedding. My kids have never visited Korea, and my relatives want to see them, so it will be a meaningful time for all of us. Also, it is the last year before my first daughter enters high school, so we wanted to go before she gets busier.

Once I come back, my ministry schedule will start with attending the North America Shepherds Conference in Houston and preparing for the mission trip to Ecuador.