408. Sabbatical Subsidy
The congregation meeting approved the sabbatical subsidy, which was a new budget item proposed this year. SLT (Strategic Leadership Team) graciously approved the following subsidy structure: $1000 for the first sabbatical (1 month), $2000 for the second (2 months), and $3000 for the third (3 months) for full-time pastors.
This amount was based on the subsidy given by KSC during my first sabbatical, which was $1000 for one month of sabbatical. (The Seed was not financially autonomous then) As this is my second sabbatical, The Seed will subsidize $2000 for the two months of sabbatical.
This is not a reimbursement but remuneration for the six years of work. The Seed will save one-sixth of the subsidy amount each year and pay out the collected amount in the seventh year, which the pastor can freely use for Sabbatical expenses.
Based on The Seed’s current financial situation, the structure encourages long-term tenure of pastors by rewarding longer service with longer sabbaticals. Ministry is a marathon, and to lead sharply for a long time, the sabbatical is necessary to sharpen the saw and cultivate freshness in one’s leadership.
I wanted to establish a fair structure for such remuneration, keeping in mind the future pastors. Although it was not comfortable for me to suggest a sabbatical subsidy that would benefit me at the moment, I hope you understand that we are thinking long-term by establishing a reasonable structure to support the emotional health and longevity of future pastors as well.