69. Changes In Sunday Service

Every year, we try to change a couple of things in our Sunday service to improve the worship experience. After some discussion with Sunday Operation Team, the following are the changes that will happen:
1. Greeting & Opening prayer will be done by other leaders.
Normally after the announcement, I came and lead the greeting time. From this year, our membership team leader Joy will lead the time of greeting, and praise team leader Anthony will lead the time of opening prayer. This is to reduce the number of times I come up on the stage and to create a better flow of worship.
2. After sermon, we will have a moment of silence
I usually lead this prayer time, recapturing what the message was about. But from this year, we are going to make it into a time of silence to listen to what God has to say to us individually, in silence. The reason for this change is we rarely get to stay quiet intentionally in our lives. It takes an intentional effort to hear a still small voice of God, who desires to connect with us personally. This will help us to focus on listening to what God is telling us to do.
3. Remain seated during the Time of Response
Instead of standing up to sing the last song, we are going to use this time to write down our responses to the message. So please remain seated. During this time, you can write your decisions (Resolution, baptism, GPS, NFC…) or prayer request in your communication cards. I believe the main purpose of the Sunday service is to make a concrete decision to apply what we heard from God, engaging our will. Without a clear resolution to apply the message, the message often gets forgotten the moment we step out of the church.
I would also love to pray for each person in our congregation with specific prayer requests. This will help me to support you through prayer.
So during the response song, please remain seated and write your card. If you don’t have anything to write, sing the song from your heart.
We hope that following changes will help everyone to engage in worship in a fresh new way. Often times, small changes make a big difference and I hope these will.