85. Home Sweet Home

Jennifer and I came back from our 10th-anniversary trip last Sunday evening. It was very relaxing and recharging time for both us, not only physically but emotionally. It was more so for my wife since she works full time (plus a lot of overtime) and rarely gets much rest. When she went back to work, her colleagues told her they noticed “glow” on her face. Certainly, good sleep and rest did something magic for her body.
It was our first time being in an all-inclusive resort and it was phenomenal. We ate well every meal, and in between, we often dropped by the cafe in the lobby to grab some coffee and soft pretzels. This became one of our favorite moments at the resort.
We mainly stayed at the resort but for last two days of the trip, we went out and did some excursions. We snorkeled at cenote (a natural underground reservoir of water), did zip-lining over a river, tried Jet-ski for the first time and rode speedboat (favorite part of our trip!) to do snorkeling again on the ocean side. I had two goals for this trip: To give the gift of relaxation to my wife and to make it feel like a 2nd honeymoon. Jennifer told me she relaxed well and it was better than our honeymoon. I guess my goals were fulfilled.
Before we left on Sunday morning, we had a quick Sunday service of our own. I preached from the passage I read on the beach and we prayed for each other and our church. It was good service because it was short!
We felt that 4 nights of stay was perfect. Though we had a great time, we were glad to be going back home. Not only because we missed our kids but we realized how much we love our life and ministry back at home. It was good to receive great service at the resort but we missed going back home to give ourselves to our children, family, and church. We hope to have another trip like this for our 20th anniversary but we are more excited about what we can do together for God’s Kingdom for the next 10 years at our home. Home sweet home indeed.