99. Research Month

KSC leadership team has decided to give me Research Month as a recognition for my 10 years of service in this church, for me to take time to recharge and to do necessary research & study as a preparation for the future of our ministry.
I did not ask for it but Pastor Kwack has graciously suggested it to me a few months ago and recently submitted the proposal to the leadership team in KSC.
Many pastors take 3–6 months off to recharge after every 6 years of ministry, based on the biblical concept of “Sabbath”. However, these days, it is now widely practiced in the academic or business world as well. Often professors or employees take a few months off for extended research and travel. Some CEOs take a yearly sabbatical for a few weeks or months to think and plan.
To summarize my plan, I will be visiting a couple of churches in the states, attend HC conference in Portland, and then come back to do some ministry planning and preparation, then end it with family retreat. The visit to the states is planned to utilize my ticket to the house church conference in Portland which is paid for by the church each time.
In my 4 weeks of absence, our SLT will make sure all Sunday services will run as usual. There will be guest speakers for most of the Sundays. (if not all)
I feel a little anxious about taking this many Sundays off in a row since it hasn’t happened before. But I’ve also come to realize that The Seed is changing fast and I feel the need to get better as a leader and a communicator. So I’m trying to take it as God’s suggestion and provision to get ready and be prepared for the future of our ministry.
I know that not every pastor are given such opportunity so I’m extremely grateful for my senior pastor and leadership team for their gracious offer. Please keep me in your prayer. I hope this would serve as a personal growth time so I can lead The Seed better than before.