Launching Point (1) Completion Congratulations to Erin, Esther, Estelle, Minu, and Elias on successfully completing Launching Point! 🙂 May you continue to grow into mature followers of Jesus!
John * Sermon Title: John * Series Subtitle: What We Believe and Why It Matters Jesus is not just a famous religious figure. He is not just a ticket to heaven. He is the principle and wisdom we modern people are desperately searching for. Knowing him doesn’t just make us religious. It
273. Why You Should Pray Out Loud In our Sunday service, we have a time called “Unison Prayer”, which is a moment of praying “out loud” together. So let me explain why it is important to do so. Prayer is the foundational way to build relationship with God, and there are many styles of prayer. Many people
272. Importance of Intimacy After coming back from the House Church Conference last Tuesday, I began to have cold-like symptoms on Thursday. I was negative until I took my third test on Saturday. Because I came back from international travel, I have to self-isolate for ten days (as opposed to five), until this Sunday.
271. Techniques Are Not Enough We learn how to relate to people simply by watching as we grow up. Then we pick up “techniques” to get what we want or have our way. You would be surprised even babies know how to manipulate parents to get what they wish through simple “crying .”It is because
Jonah One of the greatest challenges in relationships is showing love and care to those who just don’t seem deserve it. Yet through the story of Jonah we learn that those are exactly the people God chose to love. How can we be compassionate even to underserving people? The story
270. Change of Tide After the House Church conference, I am writing this blog at my sister’s place. Thanks to your prayer, Jennifer and I had a great time learning and connecting with fellow pastors at the conference. We had a record number of ESC pastors attending this year, and I was thankful