310. Mission Trip We are going on a joint mission trip with KSC to Nicaragua this July. We haven’t gone on a mission trip for a few years and as we now have a mission team leader, we plan to resume going on a mission trip. We made a promise to go
309. Why Numeric Goals Are Necessary In our shepherd’s vow, one of the commitments is “I will do my best to help one VIP to get baptized every year”. This is not a quota to fill for shepherds. But having such a numerical goal is necessary because it helps us to not lose the necessary
308. Blessed to be a Blessing I set a personal policy a few years ago that I won’t accept regular church speaking requests. (though there might be some exceptions) The reason was to be able to say yes to requests from churches that do house church ministry. I respectfully declined a few invitations last year.
307. Why Belong To A Church? Many Christians question whether being part of a local church is a must for them. They say they have good Christian friends around them and that is enough for them. At first, it sounds plausible, as many Christian activities can happen in such settings. But a gathering of Christians and
306. Quality of Thinking There are two great preaching advices that I received, which I practice today. I think they are not only beneficial for communicators like myself, but also for listeners as well. It will help you understand better why I preach a certain way. The first advice is “Preach to persuade, not
305. Open or Closed Communion? The Holy Communion, also known as “Lord’s supper” or Eucharist, has been a main christian ritual accepted by almost all denominations throughout the church history. But few people know that the Lutheran and Reformed got divided into different denomination over the issue of Lord’s supper. It shows how
304. Team Leader Qualification is Changing Starting from next ministry term (starts in October this year), team leader qualification is changing to acting shepherds and spouses/ youth shepherds and former shepherds and spouses/youth shepherds. Pastor Rick Warren once said that one way to know a church is maturing is when leadership qualification is increasing. Team