Starting Point (3) Completion * * Congratulations to Angela and Seoyeon for successfully completing the Starting Point! (Also Youth Leaders Sarah, Joy, Esther, and Anthony) May you continue to grow into a mature follower of Jesus!
195. Changing Your Past As many says, the best predictor of our future is our past. Because we are creatures of habit, and we tend to continue what we have been doing. Also, every decision has a consequence we cannot undo. So it is easy to believe that our past determines our future, not
2020 Parents Conference Thank you to all who participated in our parents conference. For those who want to watch the replay you can find it here. 2020년 유스 Parent’s Conference 참석 해주신 모든 분들께 감사드립니다. 리플레이를보고 싶은 분들은 여기에서 찾을 수 있습니다. 2020 Parents Conference Youth Parents Conference
194. Think For Yourself Dr. Jordan Peterson announced his comeback from his medical absence. He is a Psychology professor at U of T who received significant media attention through his free speech stance. He is also the author of “12 Rules for Life“, which became the #1 international Bestseller in a year. It is
193. How To Change A Bad Habit / Pastor Soogwan Lee Written by Pastor Soogwan Lee on 2018.09.16, copied and modified the translated version for this post It is said that faith is a struggle with habit. We all have an undesirable habit. Since it is so difficult to overcome it, sometimes spiritual growth is hindered because of that.
Youth Games Night 2020 Big thank you to everyone who joined us for our summer games night! Hope you had as much fun as we did! — Youth Ministry Team
192. True Limit vs Limiting Belief We live in a world where it seems to despise any limit. A slogan such as “Nothing is impossible” may sound inspiring and work well for a sports team trying to make a comeback. But soon, we realize it does not hold up very well against the reality of life.