325. Retreat Guest Speaker
We have an annual member’s retreat for adults this weekend. The guest speaker is Pastor Doug Easterday. I have quoted below portions of his “about” webpage ( contents for members who want to know who he is before hearing him.
OVER THE PAST 40 YEARS, Bible teacher
New Family Class (28) Completion
Congratulations to Bori Kim and Miru Kim on successfully completing the New Family Class (NFC)! May God empower you to serve Jesus and his church with joy and passion.
324. Second Multiplication
There is a multiplication ceremony of Chiang Rai House Church (HC) next Sunday and Joy Kim will be appointed as the new Shepherd for the multiplying HC. This is our 2nd multiplication of HC since our first one which happened on 2017 July 16th.
Chiang Rai HC began as Lampang
323. Miracle as a Process, not just an Event
This week marks almost exactly half a year since our family decided to continue providing active treatment for my mom’s recovery from stroke, instead of comfort care. So, it might be a good time to give an update on my mom’s condition.
On Mother’s Day, my family
322. Being a Resource Church
Next Friday until Sunday, our church is hosting the annual “House Church Lay-leader seminar” at Mokmin. There will be 22 participants, coming from the US and Canada. The lay-leader seminar helps lay leaders to grow in understanding of house church ministry and decide to become a shepherd for those who
321. Transgenderism and Beyond
The rise of transgenderism has been undeniable in the last few years. Gender is now viewed as “non-binary” by many. If you wondered what the next progression is, there are now “Trans-age” activists, who argue that “age” is also merely a social construct, and those who identify as “trans-age” must