
Mission Testimony - Grace kwack
This year I had the privilege of joining the mission team to serve in Nicaragua. It was my first time returning after 6 years and I had such an incredible time. I was thankful for many things during the trip but I’d like to share a couple of those

148. Youth Shepherd Appreciation
As of next Sunday, current youth shepherds’ three-year serving term comes to an end. It is usually the first pioneering group that serves and sacrifices the most and not surprisingly, their service for the last three years has been nothing but exceptional.
When I first started youth ministry with Jennifer,

Living Life (11) Completion
Congratulations to Joey Yoo, Joseph Yeo and Sophia Sung on successfully completing the Living Life!
May you continue to grow into a mature follower of Jesus!

147. Youth Shepherds Wanted
Application for youth shepherd is now open because new three years-term for youth shepherd will begin in September. Youth House Church started with a simple conviction that youth need the presence of an adult (whom they want to follow) and small community (where they are known by name) to mature

Couple Life (1) Completion
Congratulations to Jackie and Yaeji on successfully completing the Couple Life!
May you continue to grow into a mature follower of Jesus!

New family class (17) Completion
Congratulations to Kevin Ku on successfully completing the New Family Class (NFC) ! May God empower you to serve Jesus and his church with joy and passion!